Fabulous Together

by Jennifer White

The countdown begins with the very first Amazon Prime shipment for glitters and tutus and all the otherworldy things that will razzle and dazzle the eclectic pizzazz that we have been looking forward to all year. The veteran knows to start ordering costume pieces long before the month of October, but the rookie waits until just weeks before, or sometimes even a few short days and is then stuck having to resort to begging on social media for random crucial accessories.
"Does someone have an afro wig I can borrow tonight?" or "I gave someone my unicorn hat last year, but I can't remember who. Anyone?" can be all too common.
It's not just Zombie Bike Ride that marks the kickoff of Fantasy Fest. It is the months leading up to it, the anticipation of what the annual festival will bring. Who will have the best body paint? What parties are we going to hit up? How old will the oldest naked person be?
But what's most important past the expression of ones highest imagination is that Fantasy Fest is a celebration of love. When you're standing in the middle of Duval Street take a second to look around you and realize that people are happy. Everyone is smiling. They are having a good time. They are dancing and singing like nobody is watching - like they are One Human Family. Fantasy Fest is the way we were always told to be. It lets us be free to be whatever we want to be.
You can be you and I can be me, and we can all be fabulous together. 


Cancel the Baby Sitter, If You Want To


Deep Inside the Zombie Mob